SOS Lago Bianco 2020

Le Coste

Lazio, Italy

Gianmarco Antonuzzi and Clémentine Bouveron are taking care of around ​14ha of vines near Lago di Bolsena, close to Gianmarco’s hometown, ​Gradoli in northern Lazio. They’ve got serious creds from working with ​top French winemakers like Bruno Schueller and Dard et Ribo. Moving to ​Gradoli in the early 2000s, they saw major potential and couldn’t wait to ​use their skills on the unique local grape varieties and awesome terroir.

SOS Lago is a request for help addressed to the whole world, because ​the Lago lake surrounding the vineyards is in danger. The first industrial ​geothermal plant for the production of electricity has been authorised ​near the lake without worrying about the damage it can cause to the ​territory: air and groundwater pollution. This wine is produced with local ​Moscato Giallo, marked with an explosion of aromas and flavours that will ​make you want to go to Lazio and stand shoulder to shoulder with the ​winemakers and fight.



Susucaru Rosso 2021

Frank Cornelissen

Sicily, Italy

Susucaru Rosso is a cool mix of mostly Nerello Mascalese (85%) with a ​bunch of local grapes: Nerello Capuccio, Alicante Bouschet, Minnella, and ​Uva Francesa. This wine captures the essence of Etna beautifully, ​blending different varietals to create a super fragrant, elegant, and ​smooth wine with tons of character and personality.

Frank Cornelissen says: "Many years ago, in 2004, we went out with our ​crew to pick the last grapes left on the vines for perfect maturation. ​Arriving at the vineyard, we were somewhat disorientated as we could ​not find any grapes on the vines…One of the pickers exclaimed ​“Susucaru!” I didn't understand the word and asked what he meant. The ​meaning of the word in the Catania dialect is “they’ve stolen it or robbed ​it”, but it also has a second meaning, which is “they have (eagerly) drank ​it”.



Rosato Alpi Retiche 2021


Lombardy, Italy

Barbacan isn't just a winery; it's a legendary family of farmers from ​Valtellina, that wild Italian region that feels like the edge of the world. ​Angelo Sega and his sons Luca and Matteo grow Chiavennasca ​(Nebbiolo) on these crazy steep, ancient terraced plots. They also grow ​obscure local grapes like Róssola, Rossolino Rosa, Brugnòla, ​Chiavennaschino, Pignòla, and Negrera, crafting amazing natural alpine ​reds that are both powerful and elegant.

For all its wild vibes, this rosato/rosé is a stunner and pretty AF. Made ​from a mix of local grapes, mainly Chiavennasca, this high-toned, natural ​rosé had just one night of skin contact. That means it's fresh and light, ​not heavy and overpowering. Think strawberry, creamy cranberry, and a ​hint of earthy meatiness on the edges. It's got lots of acidity, which ​makes it even fresher. Perfect representation of the place it comes from.